Tuesday 15 October 2024

Long time no see

On a rather wet day here in Wales, and twiddling my thumbs as I can't get out in the garden, I thought I'd see if this little blog was still anywhere to be found...big surprise... it' still here and still getting views after all this time. Amazing!

So much has happened in the last 12 years since we started this as a way to keep in touch, house moves, two marriages ( one each I hasten to add ), grandchildren but more importantly - an allotment. 

Now this takes a huge amount of time that honestly sometimes we just don't have so it seemed like a fabulous idea - to take on another one. Allotments have an addictive quality which, I think, could prove counter productive, the produce though brings its own reward. We just need to get to grips with the planning as the inevitable glut due to lack of any sense of proportion is quite overwhelming.

I am NOT growing runner beans next year as I can't face another bloody jar of chutney.

On the plus side we'll never have to buy chutney again.

So, to the blog, winter is on it's way so it seems like a nice idea to while away the grey winter months with a little bloggyness - why not?

Onwards and upwards, today seems like a good day to resurrect a chocolate brownie recipe that I haven't tackled in about six years but always put's a smile on everyone's faces.
Chocolate dulce de leche recipe to follow .....


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